7 Guidelines for Indoor Playground Installation
Recently, kids have turned to televisions and video games, leaving the fun outdoor games to generations past. Unfortunately, this trend has contributed to a childhood obesity rate of 18.5% in the United States. Nonetheless, if you have health concerns for your kids and that of the community, you can start and run a commercial indoor […]
The Benefits of an Indoor Playground for Kids
Indoor playgrounds for kids are rising in popularity, with dedicated indoor playgrounds appearing everywhere from churches and recreational centers to health clubs and dentists’ offices. It’s been proven that children who are physically active grow to be adolescents and adults who are physically active. And the importance of varied gross motor activity – such as […]
A Customized Indoor Playground can Be Yours
It is no secret that kids today often do not get an adequate amount of exercise, and many children 2-years-old and older are not engaging in the recommended one hour of moderate physical activity suggested by the American Heart Association. Because of this, obesity rates are on the rise and countless children are struggling with […]
How to Encourage an Active Lifestyle for Your Kids
With the national childhood obesity rate nearing 20%, and many children not reaching the Sports and Fitness Industry Association’s minimum standards for a healthy lifestyle, finding ways to keep children fit and active is more important than ever. By engaging in a physical activity that burns a high number of calories for 25 minutes just […]
The Benefits of an Indoor Playground in your Business
Often times when you enter a restaurant, a doctor’s office, or a health club, there is an indoor playground for kids to play. This is used as a way to preoccupy kids and give parents a chance for some peace and quiet. It can boost the number of guests who visit your business, and it […]
Five Skills Children Develop Through Play
Parents love seeing their children learn and master new skills. Some of these skills are developed around the home, like cleaning up, using utensils, and drawing. Other skills, such as physical skills, are developed outside of the home. This is where indoor playgrounds come in. Not only is an indoor playground a fun place for […]
Beware! 3 Hidden Dangers of Old Playground Equipment
There’s nothing quite as nice as the sight of children playing on a playground. But if you’re not careful, your child could run into some hidden playground dangers. These are especially common in both commercial outdoor playgrounds and commercial indoor playgrounds that either haven’t been properly maintained or are out of date entirely. Do you […]
Business Benefits of an Indoor Playground
The local fast food restaurants have an indoor playground. The popular gym in town has an indoor playground. The church down the street has an indoor playground. The daily daycare now has more than just dinosaur toys and books, they too have invested in the idea of commercial indoor playground equipment. The benefits abound […]
Indoor Playgrounds Are Keeping Kids Healthier
In the digital era, obesity and inactivity are becoming a serious problem for kids all across America. With the amount of technology kids have access to, fewer children are staying physically active, and this can actually harm their overall development. Studies have shown that it’s very important for children to stay involved in a variety […]
Reap the Benefits of an Indoor Playground
The American Heart Association suggests that kids over the age of two get at least one hour of moderate physical activity every day. Unfortunately, most children don’t meet that standard. Indeed, under a third of children hit the Sports and Fitness Industry Association’s definition of “active to a healthy level,” which is 25 minutes of […]
Why Commercial Indoor Play Structures Matter
When the weather is yucky and you have kids cooped up inside, you might feel like you’re going crazy. What to do with rambunctious kids full of energy and nowhere to go? This is where commercial indoor jungle gyms can come in handy! Commercial indoor playgrounds can provide sweet relief for families (and kids) looking […]
How To Keep Teens Healthy? Start Exercise Early
With all of the social media and technology in the world today, kids and teens are getting less exercise across the board. Children and young adults are less active than ever before, leading to an increase in health problems related to inactivity. However, studies suggest that children who stay active at younger ages are more […]
Easy Ways To Save On Child Care
It’s no secret that having a child and taking care of a child can be incredibly expensive. Almost one-third of families spend at least 20% of their total household income on child care, and that’s without considering all the various other expenses in having a child in the family. If child care is taking its […]
Top Ways To Get Kids Moving In 2019
It’s a new year, and parents everywhere are pledging to stay more active this year as part of their resolutions. However, one factor that parents may be forgetting is how their children’s activity plays into their own, as well as making sure kids stay active too. If you’re looking to get and stay active this […]
Children Nationwide Lacking Proper Exercise
Several studies have shown that in recent years, children are exercising and staying active far less than in previous generations. This lack of activity has led to an increased obesity rate, reduced physical fitness, and psychological struggles for children everywhere. Kids Not Getting Healthy Amounts Of Exercise Children in today’s world tend to […]
4 Types Of Indoor Playground Equipment You Should Have For Your Business
It’s no secret that kids have seemingly endless amounts of energy; children love to run and play, even if their parents or other adults can’t keep up. While this is all well and good when parents have time to play with their kids, it can be a nuisance for parents visiting your place of business. […]
How To Keep Kids Healthy And Active In The Digital Era
It’s no secret that kids these days spend plenty of time on their technology. Several years ago, you would have never seen a young child sitting staring at a screen for hours a day, but now it’s an incredibly common sight. Two-thirds of parents worry that their child spends too much time on electronic devices, […]
How Adding An Indoor Playground Can Help Your Business
It’s no secret that kids need to play, and often. Giving children the opportunity to run and play helps them develop cognitive and physical skills early on in life, and allows them to get much-needed exercise throughout the day. But could adding more opportunities for children to play help improve your business? Believe it or […]
3 Ways to Keep Your Indoor Playground Clean and Maintained
Indoor playgrounds give children the perfect opportunity to do their daily exercising, which is something that’s very important. In fact, research suggests that if all current eight- through 11-year-olds in the U.S. exercised 25 minutes a day, three times a week, $62.3 billion in medical costs and lost wages during their lives could be avoided. […]
What to Know About Starting Your Own Indoor Playground
Commercial indoor play structures are the perfect tool to keep kids entertained while their guardians are handling other things. They give kids the chance to get all of their energy out while using their problem-solving skills and meeting new people. If you’re interested in starting an indoor playground, you may not know where to begin. […]
Safety Tips You Should Require Indoor Playground Users to Follow
The safety of children is extremely important in any situation. But it’s even more important when they’re doing things like playing on commercial indoor playground equipment. Here are a few safety tips you should require the indoor playground users to follow. Adult Supervision is Necessary Whenever a child is using the playground, there must be […]
How to Get Children More Active and Healthier This Summer
As summer quickly approaches, it’s almost time for kids to wrap up their school year and have their days completely free…to sit inside and stare at the television all day. Fortunately, getting kids active is actually a lot easier than you may think. Let’s take a look at a few ways kids can get healthy […]
The Importance of Childhood Play: Putting Down Those Video Games
Kids today spend far too much time in front of computers, phones, and TV screens. And this isn’t just a cliche concern voiced by parents and Baby Boomers. The Common Sense Media Report found that the average kid between the ages of 8 and 12 spends more than 4.5 hours staring at screens every day, a number […]
How Indoor Playgrounds Can Make Your Business More Profitable
When thinking about ways to help your business succeed, installing an indoor playground may not be the first thing you think about. Yet for a variety of business, a quality indoor playground may be the perfect tool for occupying children of all ages for hours at a time. They can also help keep kids healthy, […]
How Indoor Playgrounds Can Help Children and Teens with Learning Disabilities
Indoor playgrounds are perfect for children that are sick and in the hospital. It gives them the chance to run around and have fun, all without risking their health. While these are great tools for helping stressed children act like children for a little while, they can also be useful in another way. For children […]
3 Themes to Make Your Indoor Playground Pop
It’s no surprise that children have a seemingly bottomless well of energy to draw from. While it can be exhausting at times, it’s part of their growth and health! The American Heart Association says that kids over age two should engage in a minimum of one hour of reasonably physically strenuous activity per day. Indoor […]
Why Indoor Playgrounds Are So Important For Children in Hospitals
Remember the days when kids would get home after school and immediately run outside to play? Kids used to be so active! Now, many sit inside all day and play on their computers. Making sure children are active is so important, especially while they’re in the hospital or in a doctor’s office. However, that’s what […]
3 Benefits of Indoor Playgrounds
Children are always looking for ways to entertain themselves. In this day and age, it is not as simple as it used to be. In the good old days, you could give a child some jacks or set them loose to wander the neighborhood, and they would be entertained for hours. Not anymore. A great […]
3 Reasons Why Playgrounds Can be Healthy for Kids
As an adult, there’s a high chance that you had experience playing on a playground as a child. Not only was this most likely one of your favorite things, it also had many benefits for you that you probably weren’t aware of at the time. Because of the many different benefits of playing on a […]
3 Things to Think About When Creating Your Commercial Indoor Playground
Playgrounds are the perfect spot for kids to get energy out and be social. They can spend hours sliding down slides and swinging on swings. It’s no secret that playground units have certainly come a long way since wooden bases and metal sheets. Using commercial indoor playground equipment is the perfect way to let kids […]